Kamis, 26 Agustus 2010

Yupp..Kelar Sudah! :D


Wouuw...it's been a long time I'm not posting something in my own blog. I miss my blog so much! :)
3 months ago, I'm Focus to Finished my Skripsi and become a nerdy Girl! :D why? because when I'm still trying to Finishing my Skripsi, my Eyes is become dark.. I mean like Panda eyes @.@ (Celong) and almost two month I'm Using Bodypack ransel to campus, haha.Like I'm Going to Climbing a Mountain. I always use my Lovely Converse, beside it's so comfortable and also make me cool such as Band Player.hahaha...and my hair,what can I have to say?? it's so messy..(kayaanak punk d jalan) ^^ \m/

But.. all the pain (bolak-balik kampus, kejar2 dosen buat minta ttd, bimbingan, begadang, cari data,dll) is paid after I Pass my Session (Sidang) on july 31 2010. Horeee...!!! :D

Detik-detik penentuan >_<"

With My Best Friend (Ema,Nancy,Me and Silky )

With all the Binusian and Mr. Stevanus :)

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